Monday, August 15, 2011

Is it Me?

I've had a whole host of things happening in the past few weeks to make me wonder if I really do reside on earth.

I am used to having to show photo I.D.s to make purchases with my credit card or to a bank to extract money from my account and so forth. Recently I was asked to show a photo I.D. just to see my dentist! That's a new one. Thank goodness I had it. But the attendant notified me it was expired and no good. My picture was on the front and the new expiration date on the back (the attendant did not notice the date). I asked the attendant if I still was "me" if the I.D. really WAS expired and they said "No, I cannot let you into the building until you have a valid I.D. This might not be you." I showed the attendant that it indeed had not expired and I was allowed to see my dentist.

The same happened at the bank when they denied my I.D. and refused to admit that I was really there in front of them. Again I had to show them it was not expired, nor was I!

This stress did nothing good for the color of my hair (now grey), nor my stomach. So I had to step back, smile and eventually laugh at how absurd it all was. It brought to mind my favorite saying "Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny."

1 comment:

  1. Have 'em call Mom! They *have* to listen if she says it is you (it's in the rules)!

    ID theft is rampant, and I would rather have my ID checked everywhere rather than go through the months of trying to get it cleared again.
