Saturday, June 2, 2012


Summer foods! Fresh salads, fresh vegetables, cooling fruits......Even with stifling heat, these foods uplift and energize me. I feel the winter weight falling by the wayside. Each evening I crave a big salad filled with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onion, walnuts, dried cranberries...and the list goes on. I rarely use a dressing unless it is a homemade vinagrette. Herbs do wonders. I was at the Farmer's Market today to stock up for the week. How lucky I feel to be able to get foods that have traveled no more than 50 miles, thus remaining fresh. Often when I look at foods in the supermarket, I see that they have come from Brazil, California and even Australia. How can they still be fresh and full of nutrients. Plus a store bought tomato does not carry the incredible flavor of one fresh off the vine! Today your assignment is to try to find local summer foods to prepare for the week. Flash frozen vegetables and fruits are a good substitute if you cannot find fresh. Look for fun recipes that do not call for high fat content and make note of your energy. I felt so energetic last weekend that I hiked the Catskills, then returned to a great round of tennis!

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