Saturday, March 5, 2011


I have never tried a detox before. But there is a first time for anything. What brought me to this was very sluggish thinking, a feeling of heaviness, dark circles under the eyes, and an overall sense of not feeling too well.

Initially, I thought this was brought out by a lot of work and little rest time. I was craving sweets and salty foods. In looking back I realized I was just using these to eat as a diversion from working. I was eating too much and rationalizing that my gym time would burn it off. Not so and it was accumulating in my body.

I decided on doing the detox when I was wandering around the Whole Foods store doing research for an upcoming book. "Detox" items kept appearing and I realized that this is what I need to do. I purchased a few items to get me started.

It has been one week. The process got a bit uncomfortable as toxins released, but I feel grand now. The darkness under the eyes is gone, energy is naturally high, thinking is clear and I crave healthy foods over sugars and salts. Amazing!

If you decide to do a detox program, I would highly recommend doing it with a Health Coach who can guide you through the process, especially if this is your first time around. It does us all a world of good to clean out the system so the liver and kidneys have an easier time doing the job they were meant to do and not be taxed.

Where are you toxic? Body, thoughts, judgements? Try noticing how you feel. Jot it down. Is there a way to cleanse? Yes! Never be afraid to try something new or to ask for help in doing it.

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